About us

Bhakti Hardy-Ostarek

For me, music is a means of transport. Time and again, music gives me the opportunity to go into communication with ALL there is.
From this source the tunes flow back to me and that’s how the songs and melodies of the mantras arise. And that’s the experience that I want to share when I sing or play a concert.
Healing and inspiring music has been deeply touching me since I was a little child. There’s no difference whether it’s folk, pop, rock or classical music, there are songs that stand out through their Spirit.
In my early twenties, I spent a few years in India and as I found a direct access to various indian tunes and mantras, my music sometimes gets a touch of India as well.

I’ve been conducting singing circles and playing concerts with various artists for many years now. Yen has recently joined me on his celestial violin.
I’m pleased when we meet.

Yen-Ming Tsé

Music is my way of sharing the Joy, the Peace, the Love and the Light that I am, with the whole world. It’s the function that makes me happy and gives me a meaning of life, according to the motto: What I give is what I receive. I’m just thankful to share my joy and to be able to accompany Bhakti’s spiritually inspired and inspiring music and her wonderful and healing voice, on my violin. I’m always amazed about all the healing that we receive when we open ourselves and give ourselves away. It’s a true blessing and makes me very happy.
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